How long does it take to convert a video?
It depends on the video size. Usually it takes: Please make sure you don't close the browser during the process until it's complete.Can I close the browser during the process?
No. As long as the website processes the video you cannot close the browser, otherwise the entire process will be lost.What are the file size limits?
You can upload video files of 200MB at most. There is no limit on the video duration.
We may support larger video files in the future.How does Video Volume Booster works?
Video Volume Booster boosts the actual volume in your video file by x3 times.
After uploading the input file, we process your video automatically and provide a link to the boosted file.Which file formats are supported?
We support most common video formats:
MP4, MOV, WEBM, AVI, FLV, MKV, MTS, MPEG, 3GP and many more.For how long do you keep my videos on your servers?
We keep the videos you upload on our servers only for the purpose of processing them.
After the process is done you are provided with a download link to the processed video from our servers.
Your uploaded file and the download link are kept on our servers for at most 30-40 minutes after upload and that's in order to let you download or share the result.
After those 30-40 minutes, the uploaded files are permanently deleted from our servers.What security precautions are taken to protect my uploaded files?
Your files privacy is very important to us. We take all possible precautions in order to protect your uploaded video files.
We usually keep the files for no more than 30-40 minutes on our servers (just for the purpose of processing them).
The files are uploaded using SSL protocol that provides encrypted upload to our servers.
The uploaded files are not accessible to anyone except for Firisoft employees which are not allowed to access your files.
That being said, we take many security precautions but if your files are private or sensitive, please avoid uploading them to our website (or any other website).How do I request the erasure of my data?
You can request erasure of our data by sending us an email (take a look at our privacy policy page for more details).
Please note that your files are anyway deleted automatically from all of our servers a short time after we process them (less than 40 minutes).
Am I going to lose video quality when boosting it's audio?
We adjust only the audio in your video files. The video quality stays the same.